In this post, we will learn “How to remove whitespaces in a string in Java 11?”. Java 11 introduced three new methods strip(), stripLeading() and stripTrailing() to do that.

Here, we are going to learn following things:

  1. What is strip(), stripLeading() and stripTrailing() methods?
  2. How to use them?

How to Remove Whitespaces in String in Java 11 using Strip methods?...!!! Click To Tweet

Let’s Begin,

1. What are strip methods?

Java 11 came up with these 3 methods as part of String class. 

strip() : This method returns a string whose value is this string, with all leading and trailing white space removed.


stripLeading() : This method returns a string whose value is this string, with all leading white space removed.


stripTrailing() : This method returns a string whose value is this string, with all trailing white space removed.


2. How to use it?

Let’s take an example where we have a word ‘Techndeck’ with leading and trailing whitespaces. And, we are going to use strip methods to remove them.


How to Remove Whitespaces in String in Java 11 using Strip methods?...!!! Click To Tweet

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