Java 8 Articles

Sort List of Objects using Comparator and Lambda Expression - Java 8

Sort the List of Objects using Comparator and Lambda expression in Java 8

In this tutorial, we will learn how to sort a list using using Comparator interface and Lambda expression.  Rewrite Traditional For Loops with Stream and Lambda expression in Java ...
Rewrite FOR Loop using Stream and Lambda Expression - Java 8

Get over Traditional FOR Loop and rewrite using Lambda and Stream in Java 8

Java 8 gave us the opportunity to get over the traditional structure of 'FOR' loops and make it more effective and concise using Stream and Lambda expression.  Rewrite Traditional For Loops with Stream and Lambda expression in Java [bctt tweet="No more Traditional FOR...
Create Thread using Lambda Expression - Java 8

Simplest way to Create Thread using Lambda Expression in Java 8

In Java, you can create a Thread using Lambda expression by leveraging 'Runnable' functional interface. It's very simple and straight-forward approach to create thread by defining run method of the interface. How to create Thread using Lambda expression in Java? [bctt...
Find First Non-Repeated Character in a String - Java 8

Find the first non-repeating character in a string using Java 8

In this tutorial, we will learn "Find the first non-repeating character in a string using Java 8?". In order to do that, we are going to leverage the Stream API along with the Collectors.groupingBy collector. Find the first non-repeated character in a string using...