ToIntFunction Interface is a part of the java.util.function package which is introduced in Java 8. It is an in-built Functional Interface. This function expect an argument as an input and produces a int-valued result. As it is a functional interface, it can be used assignment target for lambda expression or method reference. In this post, we are going to see several implementations of ToIntFunction Interface by using different examples.


ToIntFunction Interface in Java 8 with Examples...!!! Click To Tweet

Look at ToIntFunction Javadoc description below:


ToIntFunction Interface contains below method:


Let’s discuss this method:


This method performs operation on the given argument and return the int-valued result.

Lets understand above mentioned method through below example:

Example. ‘applyAsInt’ method

Java 8 ToIntFunction Interface is an absolute useful addition as part of ‘Functional Interfaces’ and can serve variety of purposes. It is quite powerful as it can be used as a higher order functions through lambda functions and above examples could help you to get better idea on how to implement it.

ToIntFunction Interface in Java 8 with Examples...!!! Click To Tweet

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