Java Articles

Count Number of Words in String in Java 8

Java 8 – How to Count the number of Words in a String?

In  this tutorial, we will see "How to count number of words in a String using Java 8?" Count number of words in a String in Java 8 [crayon-662edd33ea76e422490662/]  ...
Find Duplicate Characters in Sting in Java 8

Java 8 – How to find Duplicate Characters and their Count in a String?

In  this tutorial, we will see "How to find Duplicate Characters and their count in a String using Java 8?" Find Duplicate Characters in String in Java 8 ...
Check Armstrong Number in Java

Java – How to check if number is an Armstrong Number?

In  this tutorial, we will see "How to check if a number is an Armstrong Number using Java?" Check if number is Armstrong number in java [crayon-662edd33eaa26333425784/]...
Generate Infinite Stream of Values

Java 8 – How to Generate Infinite Stream of Values?

In  this tutorial, we will see "How to generate Infinite stream of values using Java 8?"Generate infinite stream of values in java 8   In Java 8, the Stream.generate() method can be used to generate an infinite stream of values. This method takes a...