In  this tutorial, we will see “How to count number of words in a String using Java 8?”

Count number of words in a String in Java 8

Java 8 – How to Count the number of Words in a String? Click To Tweet



check if text or string present in a file using java 8

In the above example, It first uses the split method to split the provided string into an array of strings using a regular expression that matches the whitespace as the delimiter. Then, the method is used to create a stream of the final array of strings. After that,  count() method is used to get the number of elements in the stream. And, at last, it uses the sysout method to print the count of the words in the string.

Count number of words in a String in Java 8

skip method java 8 stream

Java 8 – How to Count the number of Words in a String? Click To Tweet

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