In  this tutorial, we will see “How to find two numbers in an array whose sum is closest to zero using Java?”find first non repeated character in a string using Java 8

Java – How to find the two numbers in an array whose sum is closest to zero? Share on X



find first non repeated character in a string using Java 8

In the above example, Our objective is to first sort the array in ascending order using Arrays.sort(). We then initialize two pointers, left and right, to the beginning and end of the array, respectively. We also initialize two variables, closestSumValue and closestPairArray, to keep track of the closest sum found so far and the pair of numbers that add up to that sum. We then enter a while loop that continues until left and right meet in the middle. In each iteration of the loop, we calculate the sum of the numbers at left and right and take the absolute value of that sum using Math.abs(). If this absolute sum is closer to zero than any we’ve seen so far, we update closestSumValue and closestPairArray. Finally, we move either the left or right pointer depending on whether the sum is less than or greater than zero, respectively. This allows us to gradually converge on the two numbers whose sum is closest to zero. At the end of the loop, we return closestPairArray, which contains the two numbers whose sum is closest to zero.

Java – How to find the two numbers in an array whose sum is closest to zero? Share on X

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  • Deepak Verma

    Deepak Verma is a Test Automation Consultant and Software development Engineer for more than 10 years. His mission is to help you become an In-demand full stack automation tester. He is also the founder of Techndeck, a blog and online coaching platform dedicated to helping you succeed with all the automation basics to advanced testing automation tricks. Verma Deepak