Blog Articles

Find two numbers in array whose sum closest to zero using Java

Java – How to find the two numbers in an array whose sum is closest to zero?

In  this tutorial, we will see "How to find two numbers in an array whose sum is closest to zero using Java?"find first non repeated character in a string using Java 8 [bctt tweet="Find the two numbers in an array whose sum is closest to zero in Java..!!!"...
Find First Non-Repeated Character in a String using Java 8 Streams

Java 8 – How to find the First Non-Repeated Character in a String?

In  this tutorial, we will see "How to find the first non-repeated character in a string using Java 8?"find first non repeated character in a string using Java 8 ...
Find common elements of two arrays using Java 8 streams

Java 8 – How to find common elements in two arrays using Streams?

In  this tutorial, we will see "How to find common elements of two arrays using Java 8 Streams?"find common elements of two arrays using Java 8 Stream [crayon-662ff639b08dd558494474/]  ...
Find min and max numbers without using if else statements in java 8 streams

Java 8 – How to find the max and min of two numbers without using if-else statements?

In  this tutorial, we will see "How to find the maximum and minimum of two numbers without using if-else but in fact with the help of streams in Java 8?" find max and min of two numbers using Java 8 Streams [bctt tweet="Find max/min of two numbers without if-else...