Java 8 Tutorial / Examples


Let’s see few Java 8 examples, I hope these would be helpful.


  1. Double the numbers of specified ArrayList using Streams
  2. Double the even / odd numbers of a specified ArrayList using Streams
  3. How to check if Number is Prime or not using Streams
  4. Retrieve Even/Odd Numbers within the Range using Java 8 Streams
  5. How to add/sum up the ArrayList integers using Java8 Streams
  6. Generate Prime Numbers in Java 8 using Streams
  7. Comparator example – Collections sort with/without Lambda in Java 8
  8. How to pass function as a parameter in a method in Java 8?
  9. Remove duplicates from ArrayList in Java 8
  10. ForEach examples for Map/List in Java 8
  11. Supplier Interface in Java 8 with examples
  12. Consumer Interface in Java 8 with examples
  13. Predicate Interface in Java 8 with examples
  14. BiConsumer Interface in Java 8 with examples
  15. Function Interface in Java 8 with examples
  16. BiFunction Interface in Java 8 with examples
  17. DoubleConsumer Interface in Java 8 with examples
  18. BooleanSupplier Interface in Java 8 with examples
  19. DoubleFunction Interface in Java 8 with examples
  20. DoublePredicate Interface in Java 8 with examples
  21. BiPredicate Interface in Java 8 with examples
  22. DoubleToIntFunction Interface in Java 8 with examples
  23. IntToDoubleFunction Interface in Java 8 with examples
  24. DoubleSupplier Interface in Java 8 with examples
  25. LongToIntFunction Interface in Java 8 with examples
  26. DoubleToLongFunction Interface in Java 8 with examples
  27. IntToLongFunction Interface in Java 8 with examples
  28. LongToDoubleFunction Interface in Java 8 with examples
  29. IntConsumer Interface in Java 8 with examples


External Recommended Resources:

Java-8 Tutorials – By MKYONG


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